Policies and Reports
To download our latest Policies Document please click on the links below. Policies and details contained here include:
Policy PDFs - Please click to download:
- Acceptance and Refusal of Charitable Gifts Policy
- Accessibility Policy
- Anti-Bullying, Racial or Sexual Harassment Policy
- Alcohol Education Policy
- Admissions Policy
- Appeals Procedure Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour Management Policy
- Boarders Induction and Support
- Boarding Accommodation Policy
- Catering Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Control of Infectious Diseases
- Curriculum Policy
- Data Protection and Retention Policy
- EAL Policy
- E-Safety Policy Group
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- First Aid, Healthcare and Medicines Policy
- Guardianship Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Independent Listener Policy
- Management of Asbestos Policy
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
- PSHE & RSE Policy
- Pastoral Care Statement and Principles and Practices of Boarding
- Recruitment Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Safeguarding Commitment by MDS Schools
- SEND Policy
- Supervision of Pupils Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
Our Privacy Policies can be accessed here.
Our Pupils Insurance Scheme document can be accessed here.
If any parent or prospective parent is unable to access these documents, please let the School Office know and we shall send you a copy by post.
Our inspection reports by ISI are available here.
In addition, in accordance with ISI regulations, parents and prospective parents are also able to consult at the School Office or to request (at no charge) a copy of the following information:
- A summary of the School's academic performance in the previous academic year, including Key Stage 2, GCSE and A level results.
- A record of the number of any complaints which reached the formal stage (Stage 2) of the Complaints Procedure in the previous academic year.