Born in Singapore in 1956, Melvyn Tan moved to England at the age of 12 to study at The Yehudi Menuhin School and subsequently enrolled at the Royal College of Music. He built his international reputation with his pioneering performances on fortepiano, and his collaboration with Sir Roger Norrington and the London Classical Players produced a series of landmark performances and albums in the 1980s and early 1990s.

In a recent interview, Melvyn Tan talks about the experiences that made him the musician he is today, including his time at YMS. Of his decision to come to the School, Melvyn remarks, “I knew it was what I wanted to do. I knew if I didn’t go, I wouldn’t have another opportunity.” The article goes on to say that Melvyn “took to the school culture like a fish to water” and felt completely at home. “It was completely collaborative”, he remembered. “It was exactly what I wanted.”

Throughout his distinguished career, Melvyn has performed at Wigmore Hall, Lincoln Center, Vienna Konzerthaus, Amsterdam Concertgebouw and other prestigious venues including our own Menuhin Hall, and has performed with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Camerata Salzburg and Singapore Symphony Orchestra.

These days, he has a great passion for coaching younger musicians, and emphasises the importance of doing their part to launch their own careers. “You’ve got to start while you’re a student — no one’s going to do that for you.”

We look forward to welcoming Melvyn back to The Menuhin Hall whenever his busy schedule will allow. Read more here:

23 Jan 2018